This page contains stuff I need to remember while I'm upgrading my web site. It's almost
certainly of no use to anybody else.
Remove header, replace with:
<!-- for Emacs, this is a -*- html-fill -*- document -->
<!-- $Id: diaryconvert.php,v 1.3 2010/09/06 02:11:36 grog Exp $ -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
include "header.php";
<html xmlns="">
<?php diary_title (); ?>
<?php diary_header (); ?>
<div align="justify">
Optionally, add a different photo:
<?php diary_header ('src="/grog/Photos/19641219/tiny/greg-detail.jpeg" width="238" height="300"'); ?>
Replace footer with:
<?php diary_footer ($lastmonth, $nextmonth, '$Id: diaryconvert.php,v 1.3 2010/09/06 02:11:36 grog Exp $'); ?>
Add daytitles. Fix the following by replacing the month name and number. First is day
1-9, second the rest.
New version, to be fixed:
(query-replace-regexp "<h2><a name=\".\">.*, \\(.\\) August 2007</a></h2>
*</center>" "<?php daytitle (\"2007080\\1\", \"\\2\"); ?>")
(query-replace-regexp "<h2><a name=\"..">\">.*, \\(..\\) May 2007</a></h2>
*</center>" "<?php daytitle (\"200705\\1\", \"\\2\"); ?>")
Replace img tags with showphoto. This needs fixing. Do each in sequence.
;; rename small images
(query-replace-regexp "/small/" "/tiny/")
;;; convert the guts to showphoto
(query-replace-regexp " src=\"\\(.*\\)/tiny\\([^\"]+\\)\".*" "
<?php showphoto (\"\\1\\2\"); ?>")
;;; Remove crap before a showphoto
;;; (query-replace-regexp " <a .*\"><img.*
;;; .*Click on the picture.*
;;; " " ")
(query-replace-regexp ".*\"><img.*
.*Click on the picture.*
" " ")
(query-replace-regexp ".*<a id=.*
\\( *<\\?php\\)" "\\1")
(query-replace-regexp "<a.*<img.*
.*src=\"\\(.*\\)tiny/\\([^\"]+\\)\".*" "<?php showphoto (\"\\1\\2\"); ?>" nil)
(query-replace-regexp "<a.*<img.*
.*src=\"\\(.*\\)tiny/\\([^\"]+\\)\".*" "<?php showphoto (\"\\1\\2\"); ?>" nil)
;; This one for gifs and things.
(query-replace-regexp "<img.*src=\"Images/\\([^\"]+\\)\".*" "<?php showphoto (\"Photos/\\1\"); ?>" nil)
;; This one for older diary entries.
(query-replace-regexp "<h2><a name=\"..\">.*, \\(..\\) August 2002</a></h2>"
"<?php daytitle (\"200208\\1\", \"XXX\"); ?>")) nil)
(query-replace-regexp "``" "“" nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
(region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end)))
(query-replace-regexp "''" "”" nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
(region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end)))