German and German-English Dictionaries
LEO English-German
Dictionary - German-English bilingual dictionary that allows two-way searches for
over 400,000 words and phrases. |
Pons Online German Dictionaries - Online
bilingual German dictionaries to and from English, French, Italian, Polish and
Spanish. |
Linguadict German-English Online
Dictionary - Bilingual German-English dictionary with over 500,000 entries, with
example sentences and idioms. | - Includes specialized
monolingual dictionaries for German Orthography, Inflection, Word Formation and
Morphology as well as the German-English Translation Dictionary LEO. The specialized
dictionaries for German are based on Canoo's Morphology Dictionary, which has over
250,000 entries and recognizes approximately 3 million word forms. |
New English-German Dictionary - Bilingual German-English dictionary with more
than 190,000 revised translations, plus downloadable freeware version for Windows. |
TU Chemnitz German-English
Dictionary - A simple German-English bilingual dictionary containing over 179,000
entries with synonyms, and downloadable sidebar plugin. |
Wortschatz Project -
Monolingual German lexicon with information and statistics for each word, plus lexical
databases for English, Dutch, French, and Sorbisch, Estnisch, and Isländisch. | Online Translation Service - over
400,000 German-English bilingual translations, with verb phrases, short phrases and
composed entries, updated through user translation contributions. |
QuickDic German-English Dictionary - A
simple to use German-English bilingual dictionary with over 250,000 words and idioms in
each language, with pronunciations and many other kinds of information. |
Student Online
German-English Dictionary - Bilingual German-English dictionary powered by, with more than 280,000 direct translations, phrases and acronyms,
updated with user contributions; also includes a bilingual German-Spanish
dictionary. |
Wolfram Schneider's
English-German dictionary - German-English bilingual dictionary that outputs many
related form of the word input. |
Maschler German-English
Online Dictionary - German-English bilingual dictionary with 110,000 words based
on the TU Chemnitz dictionary. |
Dictionary - German-English dictionary, also includes English-German; click
"More" for thesaurus and synonyms; double-click a word in the definition to define
it. |
UltraLingua German-English and English-German
Dictionary - German and many other foreign dictionaries, plus web page
translations and downloadable translation toolbar. |
German-English Online Dictionary - Bilingual German-English dictionary; site also
includes a multilingual dictionary with 25 languages. |
Ectaco Online
German-English Dictionary - German-English bilingual dictionary; site also
includes 21 other languages. | German
Dictionaries - A collection of free German bilingual dictionaries for Afrikaans,
English, French, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Italian, Japanese, Japanese Romaji, Kurdish,
Norwegian Bokmal, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, and Latin. Browsable
online, with word searches, and downloadable data files. |
CleverTranslate -
Word translations from English to German, plus English to Chinese, Vietnamese, and
Korean. |