This is the very first version of my home page. Clearly is
is only of historical interest. I have made only minimal changes to make it display at all.a
It's full of errors, but it seems to render nonetheless.
Greg Lehey
Last update: 17 February 1997
Hi! I'm Greg Lehey, an independent computer consultant specializing in
Where I've been
I was born in Australia and went to school in Malaysia, Australia and
England. After that, I studied Chemistry at the University of Hamburg
in Germany and Chemical Engineering at the University of Exeter in
England, but I never practiced these disciplines: on leaving
University, I went into computing immediately.
I have spent my professional
career in Germany, where I worked for computer manufacturers such
as Univac, Tandem, and Siemens-Nixdorf, the German Government
organisation for space research, at the time called DFVLR (Deutsche
Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt), which
they have mercifully since truncated to
DLR, nameless software houses and a large user before deciding to
work for myself.
What I've done
In the course of nearly 25 years in the
industry I have performed most jobs, ranging from kernel development
to product marketing, systems programming to systems administration,
processing satellite data to programming gasoline pumps. About the
only thing I haven't done much is writing commercial applications
I am currently engaged in the production of CD-ROMs of ported free
software, performance analysis on a large Korean mobile telephone
project, and design of C compilers for the next generation of digital
signal processors. I am also actively involved in the FreeBSD project. See my résumé for further details.
What I've written
Among my publications are Porting UNIX
Software, published by O'Reilly and
Associates, and Installing and Running
FreeBSD and its successor The complete
FreeBSD, both published by Walnut
Creek CDROM.
What else I do
When I can drag myself away from my basement
full of UNIX workstations, I'm involved in performing baroque and
classical woodwind music on my collection of original and period instruments,
exploring the German countryside with my family on our Arab and
Peruvian horses, or exploring new cookery techniques or ancient and
obscure European languages.
What I charge
Well, how much money do you have?
Seriously, I have two rates, which depend on the nature of the work.
- For normal professional work, my rate is $ US 100 per hour or
part thereof, plus expenses.
- I also provide hotline support for $ US 2 per minute. I need a
written agreement up front. If the work gets longer than 50
minutes at a stretch, I automatically change to the hourly rate.
If you're a bona fide private person or educational institution
needing a little help, I could make it significantly cheaper. If
you're not sure, give me a call, and we can discuss the matter. Who
knows, you could even get your answer for free.
In addition to the above, I may also agree to lower rates if the
project interests me greatly. Again, it doesn't cost anything to ask.
How to contact me
You can reach me in a number of ways, in
order of decreasing desirability:
My mobile phone uses the GSM system. GSM used to stand for
Groupe Spéciale Mobile, but after its introduction sombeody
(who presumably didn't speak French) decided that it would sound
better as Global System for Mobile telecommunications. Anyway,
one advantage of GSM is that it has global addressibility: whenever
I'm in a place with GSM service, you can call me, even if it's at the
other end of the world (Australia, for example, has GSM). You still
dial the same number. My mobile phone also has voice mail. Again, no
matter where I am, you will hear a stern sounding German woman
requiring you to leave a message. Ignore what she says and just wait
for the beep, as usual. Don't expect me to get back to you
immediately, though.
Paranoid's corner
How do you know it's me? How do I know
you're you? That's one of the big questions surrounding internet
communication, of course. One solution is PGP, Phil Zimmermann's Pretty
Good Privacy. See the PGP
Home Page for more information on PGP. If you want to send me
encrypted mail, you can encrypt it with the following PGP public key.
Of course, you can't be sure that it's correct, but it's more likely
to be verifiable than any old mail message you may get from ``me''.
Version: 2.6.2i