From cadams@cendant.co.nz Thu Jan 12 15:56:04 2006
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From: "Adams, Chris"
To: Greg 'groggy' Lehey
Subject: RE: AVIS rental agreement IT00886991009
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 18:25:56 +1300
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Good evening Mr Lehey
Just touching base to advise that unfortunately to date I have not had a
reply from our counterparts concerning this matter.
They have however processed a partial refund of 150.48EUR (inclusive) by
reducing the amount of the excess charged. This refund was processed on the
5th of this month so should be appearing in your account any day now.
As above this is just to touch base and assure you I am still progressing
this matter for you and as soon as I have more information I will be in
touch directly.
Best Regards
Chris Adams
Cendant Customer Service Team Leader
Australia Phone: 61 2 9353 9130 New Zealand:
64 9 526 3200
Australia Phone: 1800 252 321 New Zealand:
0800 800 511
Australia Fax: 61 2 9353 9119 New Zealand Fax:
64 9 526 3299
Australia fax: 1800 123 703
E-Mail: cadams@cendant.co.nz
The content of this message are in no way the opinion of or endorsed by
Cendant Car Rental Group.
Important: This e-mail is intended for the above named addressee's only and
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If this has come to you in error, please return to sender and delete your
copy. Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg 'groggy' Lehey [mailto:grog@lemis.com]
Sent: Friday, 23 December 2005 3:26 p.m.
To: Chris Adams
Subject: AVIS rental agreement IT00886991009
Chris, as discussed on the phone, please find attached a PDF version
of yesterday's fax.
Finger grog@lemis.com for PGP public key.
See complete headers for address and phone numbers.
From grog@lemis.com Thu Jan 12 16:10:27 2006
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 16:10:28 +1030
From: Greg 'groggy' Lehey
To: Chris Adams
Subject: Re: AVIS rental agreement IT00886991009
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On Thursday, 12 January 2006 at 18:25:56 +1300, Chris Adams wrote:
> Good evening Mr Lehey
> Just touching base to advise that unfortunately to date I have not had a
> reply from our counterparts concerning this matter.
> They have however processed a partial refund of 150.48EUR (inclusive) by
> reducing the amount of the excess charged. This refund was processed on the
> 5th of this month so should be appearing in your account any day
> now.
This is really totally inadequate. So far (well over your 30 day
limit) I have no information about any charges whatsoever, let alone
why I have been overcharged. In fact, your message is the first
written communication of any kind that I have had. I am in the
process of passing this matter on to my solicitor. Could you please
1. Why I have not received a normal invoice for the sums you have
2. Why I have not received a reply to my letter of 23 December.
3. What reasons are you claiming for the additional charges?
4. Why the partial refund?
5. Why it has taken so long.
6. How this matches your motto "We try harder". My current
impression is one of complete and utter incompetence and
Finger grog@lemis.com for PGP public key.
See complete headers for address and phone numbers.
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