These are the flowers we had in the garden in early winter 2019, taken mainly on 15 June 2019. They're not all overly pretty, but the purpose of the photos is to
record what was in the garden at the time.
It's the beginning of winter, but there are some positive surprises, unfortunately also some
negative ones. On the positive side, some of the native plants are looking very good.
The Alyogyne huegelii that I
planted in the spring, and which gradually developed over the summer, is now in full bloom:
The three plants are in a line, and I've been wondering whether there is something in the
soil that caused the last two to die. Could be just be that, despite everything, there was
just not enough water?
One discovery that suggests that is in the eastern garden:
I think that there was a water leak near the flourishing Hebe, and it also caused the growth
in the “lawn”, really the ground-cover like legume with the small yellow flowers that I've
been trying to cultivate. They're also taking over the central garden bed; I think
that they're the same:
That doesn't seem to be much difference until you look at the dripper line for a scale. But
it's now completely the wrong time of year for it. We'll see what happens in the spring.
One surprise was the Vietnamese mint (Daun laksa). It's flowering!