Greg's problems with JG King
as of 14 June 2014
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On 17 December 2013 my wife Yvonne and I committed to having a house built by JG King. We had been told that the permits would probably take until the end of March to be issued, that building could probably start by the end of April, and that the house would be finished within 7 months, probably sooner—so we would be in our new home in October or November.

Things never go to plan, of course. I made the mistake of forgetting a declaration, with the result that our planning permit was not available until the end of May. But that proved not to be the critical path: as of 14 June 2014, JG King are so behind on their own schedule that they can't see us being in the new house before March, more likely April 2014, nearly 6 months' delay. And they have the gall to blame me for incorrect documentation on their part! I'm gradually losing confidence in the people assigned to my project.

This is a first cut at this page, which will be fleshed out as time goes on. The blow-by-blow details are available in my diary.

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