Yvonne's Lapin aux Pruneaux
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Rabbit with Prunes and Wine Sauce, like made in Agen (France)


Serves 4

quantity       ingredient       step
1       rabbit of 1.7 kg       1
50 g       lard (pork fat)       1
15 g       garlic       2
220 g       onion       2
60 g       shallots       2
20       prunes (the soft variety)       3
200 ml       red wine       3
200 ml       sour cream       4
      salt       4
      ground pepper       4
20       stems of parsley       4
20       stems of chervil (optional)       4


  1. Cut rabbit into pieces. Heat lard in a heavy casserole and fry pieces of lamb in it until golden.

  2. Finely chop the garlic, the onion, the shallots and add to casserole. Add salt and pepper. Cover and cook 30 minutes a low heat. Add some water, if you wish more sauce.

  3. In a small pot, cook the prunes in the red wine for 5 minutes. Add wine and prunes to the casserole. Cook another 10 minutes.

  4. Finish: Check for amount of sauce, add more salt and pepper if needed. Add the sour cream. If the sauce is too liquid, add a bit of corn starch, dissolved in a bit of water and cook for another couple of minutes. Just before serving, sprinkle the parsley (and optional chervil) over the top. Serve with potatoes or crisp hash browns.

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