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These recipes come from “The Korean Kitchen” by Copeland Marks (Chronicle, San Francisco, 1993). There are many hits for this book on Google, but I can't find the publisher's description. Apart from using non-ambiguous quantities, I haven't changed much. The important thing for me is that the side dishes are those for which I can easily find ingredients in Ballarat.


quantity       ingredient       step
500 g       beef, sliced about 3 mm thick       1
15 g       sugar       1
100 ml       soya sauce       2
0.5 g       pepper, ground from mill       2
40 g       spring onions       2
10 g       garlic       2
5 ml       sesame oil       2


  1. Mix the beef and sugar in a bowl. Leave while preparing the marinade.

  2. Crush the garlic, chop the spring onions into 2 cm lengths. Mix with the other marinade ingredients and add to the meat. Mix well and leave for several hours.

  3. Grill on a table grill and serve with the side dishes below:
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Side dishes

Serve several or all of these side dishes:
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Diary entry for Saturday, 13 July 2013 Complete exposure details


In writing sequence: Namul Muchim (cucumber salad), Beuseus Namul (Stir-fried dried mushrooms), Hobak Namul (blanched zucchini), shredded seaweed, Sesame green beans, kimchi, Myulchi Boekum (dried anchovy condiment). There are others below.


See separate recipe

Myulchi Boekum (dried anchovy condiment)

This dish uses the term anchovy, but from the description the fish looks more like Malay Ikan bilis. That's available here, so we use that.

quantity       ingredient       step
50 g       spring onions       1
15 ml       oil for frying       2
10 g       garlic       2
40 g       ikan bilis       2
10 ml       soya sauce       2
5 ml       gochu jang (고추장) paste       2
5 g       sugar       2
3 ml       sesame oil       3
      sesame seeds, toasted       3
  1. Cut the spring onions into thin slices.

  2. Crush the garlic and fry briefly in the oil. Add the dry ikan bilis and mix, then add soya sauce and mix, finally gochu jang and mix. Add the spring onions and sugar and stir-fry for one minute.

  3. Add sesame oil and sesame seeds and allow to cool. Serve cold.

Muu Namul (sliced giant radish)

This recipe appears to suggest frying 500 g of radish in 5 ml of sesame oil. I suspect they have forgotten to mention frying oil in the ingredients, so I've added it.

quantity       ingredient       step
500 g       giant radish (daikon)       1
20 ml       oil       1
5 ml       sesame oil       2
5 g       sesame seeds       2
3 g       salt       2
10 g       garlic       2
2 g       sugar       2
0.5 g       pepper, ground       2
  1. Cut the radish into julienne sticks about 6 cm long. Fry in oil for about 1 minute to soften.

  2. Mix in the other ingredients. Serve at room temperature.

Hobak Namul (blanched zucchini)

quantity       ingredient       step
500 g       small zucchini       1
5 ml       sesame oil       2
5 g       sesame seeds       2
5 ml       soya sauce       2
10 g       garlic       2
2 g       sugar       2
0.5 g       pepper from grinder       2
  1. Cut zucchini into 3 mm slices. Blanche in boiling water for 20 seconds, then rinse in cold water. Drain and dry on a kitchen towel.

  2. Crush the garlic. Mix all other ingredients with the zucchini. Serve at room temperature.

Beuseus Namul (Stir-fried dried mushrooms)

The quantities in the original recipe sounded suspect. They wanted 2 ounces (57 g) of dried mushrooms, which is an enormous amount. The quantities here seem more appropriate. I find shiitake mushrooms good for this recipe. Again no mention of frying oil.

quantity       ingredient       step
15 g       dried mushrooms       1
10 ml       frying oil       3
5 ml       sesame oil       4
20 ml       soya sauce       4
10 g       garlic       4
2 g       sugar       4
0.5 g       pepper       4
      sesame seeds       5
  1. Soak the mushrooms in cold water for 1 hour. Apparently hot water extracts more flavour, so it should be cold.

  2. Drain mushrooms, press gently to eliminate excess liquid, and cut into slices about 5 mm wide.

  3. Fry the mushrooms in the frying oil for about 10 seconds.

  4. Add the other ingredients (except sesame seeds) and stir-fry for about 30 seconds.

  5. Pour into a serving dish and garnish with sesame seeds.

Gim gui (roasted seaweed)

quantity       ingredient       step
20       sheets dried seaweed (laver)       1
      sesame oil       1
      salt       1
  1. Smear a little sesame oil over each sheet of seaweed and sprinkle with salt.

  2. Heat a frying pan over low heat, then dry-fry the sheets, one at a time, until they change colour.

  3. Cut each sheet crosswise into 4 smaller sheets. Anchor with a toothpick to stop them blowing away.

Shredded seaweed

This is a dish that Yvonne likes to serve. I don't think that it overly authentic.

quantity       ingredient       step
50 g       shredded seaweed       1
      hot water for soaking       1
      lemon juice       2
      soya sauce       2
  1. Soak the seaweed in hot water for about an hour. Drain and press out.

  2. Add lemon juice and soya sauce and mix.

Sookju Namul (Bean sprout salad)

The original of this recipe wants the bean sprouts cooked for 1 minute. That seems wrong to me, so I have shortened it considerably.

quantity       ingredient       step
250 g       bean sprouts       1
      boiling water for blanching       1
5 g       salt       2
40 g       spring onion       2
10 g       garlic       2
0.5 g       pepper       2
3 ml       sesame oil       2
      sesame seeds       2
  1. Blanche the bean sprouts in the boiling water for 5 seconds. Rinse immediately in cold water and dry.

  2. Mix in a serving bowl with the other ingredients.

Namul Muchim (cucumber salad)

quantity       ingredient       step
1       cucumber       1
1 stick       spring onion       1
5 ml       sesame oil       1
10 ml       vinegar       1
5 g       chili powder       1
3 g       salt       1
3 g       sugar       1
  1. Slice the cucumber thinly and salt for 15 minutes. Rinse, drain and press out.

  2. Cut the onion into thin slices.

  3. Mix all ingredients and allow to stand.

This dish bears a striking similarity to Danish agurk salat. Next time I'm planning to take the agurk salat and add sesame oil and chili.

Sesame green beans

This recipe is derived from this site. They call for toasted sesame oil, which I've never heard of before and certainly can't get.

quantity       ingredient       step
500 g       green beans       1
30 g       spring onion (one thin onion)       2
10 g       garlic, pressed       4
5 ml       gochu jang (고추장) paste       4
10 ml       light soya sauce       4
5 g       toasted sesame seeds       4
5 ml       (toasted) sesame oil       4
5 ml       honey       4
      salt to taste       5
5 g       toasted sesame seeds       5
  1. Wash and trim the beans. Drain and dry.

  2. Cut the onion across the stem into thin slices. Keep green and white parts separate.

  3. Fry the beans in oil for about 5 minutes until golden brown.

  4. Meanwhile mix the garlic, white part of onion, gochu jang, soya sauce, sesame seeds, sesame oil and honey. Fry in the pan until it bubbles.

  5. Add the beans, lower the heat and mix well. Add the green part of the onions. Check salt. Garnish with toasted sesame seeds.

Other side dishes

There are plenty more side dishes available on the web:

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