Greg's cordon bleu
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Cordon bleu is a Swiss dish made from veal filled with cheese and ham. Sadly, nowadays it's often made with chicken breast, which tastes nothing like as good. Here are my thoughts based on a meal on 1 December 2018.


For four people

quantity       ingredient       step
500 g       Veal “schnitzel”, hammered and cut to 8 or 16 pieces (see preparation)       1
80 g       Smoked ham       1
80 g       Sliced cheese (Gruyère?)       1
50 ml       cooking oil       2
2 (140 g)       eggs       2
150 ml (50 g?)       Breadcrumbs       2
      Butter for frying       3

The volumetric measure comes from Bonniers. I'll replace it when I have weighed it next time.


  1. Cut the schnitzel to 8 or 16 slices. If possible, make 8 long slices to be folded over; otherwise make 16 pairs. Place ham and cheese in between and hold together with toothpicks.
  2. Beta egg and oil together, add breadcrumbs and bread the meat. Cool in fridge for 30 minutes.
  3. Fry in butter moderate pan for 4 to 5 minutes on each side until browned. If the cheese melts, the cordons bleus are either cooked or too hot. Serve with slices of lemon.

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