Greg's curry laksa
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I've been working on curry laksa for some time now, based on pre-packaged paste. Originally I had a relatively complicated method, but over the years I have refined and simplified my procedure. Here's what I do now, as of about 2021:

Part 1

quantity       ingredient       step
1 sachet       Teans Gourmet Curry Laksa paste       1
      water or broth       1
400 ml (1 can)       Coconut milk       1
12 g       salt       1
      water to 1.68 kg       1
  1. Put the laksa paste in a saucepan and add water and broth to a total of about 1 litre. Bring to the boil.
  2. After 2-3 minutes (Teans recommends 10), add the coconut milk and mix well. Top up to 1.68 kg.
  3. Divide the mixture into 6 portions of 280 g each. Freeze the ones not needed.

Part 2

Per portion:

quantity       ingredient       step
180 g       Cooked noodles       1
1       dòufu puff       1
1 portion       Laksa mixture from part 1       2
2       pork balls       2
40 g       choi sam stalks       2
60 g       cooked chicken       3
20 g       choi sam leaves, chopped       3
65 g       bean sprouts       3
10       cucumber slices       4

The choice of ingredients in step 2 is not critical.

  1. If the noodles are frozen, thaw them. Put in a serving bowl, cut the dòufu into slices and spread on the noodles.
  2. Bring the laksa mixture to the boil and add the pork balls. If the chicken is raw, cook in the laksa broth until half cooked, then remove. Add choi sam stems. Remove heat.
  3. Shortly before serving place noodles, bring the laksa back to the boil and add cooked meat, then bean sprouts. Bring briefly to the boil, then remove heat.
  4. Slice the cucumber. Pour the laksa on top of the noodles and place the cucumber slices on top. Serve.


This recipe reflects the way I prepare the dish as of early 2025. Many variations are possible.

The salt shouldn't be necessary, but recently there hasn't been enough salt in the paste.

Links to investigate

  • Nyonya Hot and Sour Noodles in Fish Soup
  • SBS recipe
  • SBS Malay curry laksa (laksa lemak)
  • SBS Asam laksa

  • Cooking home page Recipe index Greg's home page Greg's diary Greg's photos

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