Greg's fake tagine
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On 15 October 2023 I faked a version of this recipe. I don't want to repeat that recipe, but the cooking times were considerably longer: 5 hours for the meat, 2 hours for potatoes and carrots, and 50 minutes for the soft vegetables. I'll probably update this page the next time I cook it.

On 14 February 2015 I wanted to cook a relatively authentic Moroccan tagine (or is that Tajine? I can't decide). The recipes I had were so varied that I couldn't make up my mind, so in the end I invented one. To my surprise, it tasted very good.

I discussed the recipe with Mohamed Ifadir of Marrakesh, who told me that all the ingredients should be put in at the beginning, the tagine sealed with a flour dough and not opened until the end. This presumably means no frying, and that's what about half the recipes say. But I still think things can be improved by adding the vegetables later, and at a later date I found this recipe, which in fact comes quite close to what I was aiming at.


quantity       ingredient       step
1 kg       meat (beef or lamb), cut into 3-4 cm “cubes”       1
20 g       ginger, finely chopped       1
40 g       garlic, pressed       1
20 g       ras el-hanout       1
300 g       chick peas       2
      oil for frying       3
5 g       cinnamon stick       3
400 g       tinned tomatoes       3
80 g       honey       4
30 g       salt       4
0.5 g       saffron       4
400 g       potato, in about 10 pieces       5
250 g       carrot, in about 10 pieces       5
125 g       dried apricots       5
225 g       courgette, in thick slices       6
200 g       aubergine, in thick slices       6


The times below are correct for beef and lamb. With goat, after my experience in March 2016, I'm planning to cook for 2 hours more.

  1. At least 6 hours before serving: Chop ginger, crush garlic, mix with the meat and ras el-hanout and marinate for several hours or overnight.

  2. At least 5 hours before serving: Place the chick peas in boiling water, bring back to the boil and soak for 2 hours. Drain, rinse and drain.

  3. At least 3 hours before serving: Fry the meat in oil until browned. Add chick peas, cinnamon, tomatoes and enough water to just cover the ingredients into the tagine and bring to the boil:
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    Diary entry for Saturday, 14 February 2015 Complete exposure details

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    Diary entry for Saturday, 14 February 2015 Complete exposure details


    Lower heat and simmer at lowest possible heat for 2 hours.

  4. Add honey, salt and saffron and mix in well.

  5. Add potatoes, carrot and apricots and cook for another 30 minutes.
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    Diary entry for Saturday, 14 February 2015 Complete exposure details


  6. Add courgette and aubergine and cook for another 20 minutes. Serve.
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