Greg's ikan lemak
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Ikan lemak, also apparently known as ikan moolie, is a Malay dish of fish (ikan) cooked with coconut milk. I first tried a recipe from I've been cooking a number of recipes from Wendy Hutton's “Singapore Food”. greatly hindered by the lack of quantities. Here's the attempt I made on 18 July 2021, adjusted for what I would do next time. More comments there.


quantity       ingredient       step
130 g       onion       1
30 g       oil       1
30 g       lemon grass       1
320 g       Hoki (Blue Grenadier) fillet       2
150 ml       water       2
5 g       chili powder (see discussion)       2
20 g       tamarind paste       2
25 g       coconut cream       2
5 g       turmeric       2
8 g       salt       2
110 g       coconut cream       3


  1. Blend onion and oil in a blender. When finely divided, add lemon grass in portions and continue blending. Fry until dry without any additional oil:
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    Diary entry for Sunday, 18 July 2021 Complete exposure details

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    Diary entry for Sunday, 18 July 2021 Complete exposure details



  2. Cut the fish into portions of about 20 g. Mix water with other ingredients, bring to the boil and add the fish:
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  3. Before serving, add the remainder of the coconut cream.
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    Diary entry for Sunday, 18 July 2021 Complete exposure details



I made this primarily for Yvonne, who doesn't like chili, so I omitted it.

Adding the coconut cream in two portions is probably superfluous, but it echos the original recipe, which used freshly grated thin and thick coconut milk.

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