This page was written shortly after the event and last updated on 3 July 1998. In
February 2020 I converted it
to PHP and corrected
obvious errors and replaced the images with processed versions that I had made some time
later. Apart from that, it remains a historic document.
I've just got a digital camera (a Casio QV-5000 SX) I bought it
just before I went to New Orleans, and didn't see the pictures until a week later, so please
excuse the quality of some of them. Enough people had their fun laughing at me on Friday
evening, so I consider that I've paid already.
The following photos were all taken on 19 June 1998. First, a couple
of views of some geeks by a fountain in the middle of New Orleans. It's difficult to
discern all the people, so I haven't mentioned names. If you can help, I'll update.
According to Guido van Rooij, the people are: Sharon ???, Branson (did the console server
talk), David O'Brien, Poul-Henning Kamp, Ollivier Robert, Philippe Regnauld, Luigi Rizzo,
Mike Smith, Monique van Rooij and Guido van Rooij.
I'll make an exception here: that's me on the extreme left of the photo above, the only one
you'll see of me.
After the convention
After the convention we went up to a room at the top of the hotel and talked a bit. These
photos were taken there:
Ollivier Robert, John Polstra, Poul-Henning Kamp, Jonathan Bresler, Jordan Hubbard, Mike
Smith, Justin Gibbs, Guido van Rooij.
And if that wasn't a pretty enough photo, here they are again: Ollivier Robert, John
Polstra, Poul-Henning Kamp, Jonathan Bresler, Jordan Hubbard, Mike Smith, Justin Gibbs,
Guido van Rooij, with Luigi Rizzo on the extreme right.
From left to right: Jonathan Bresler, Philippe Regnault, Guido van Rooij, Luigi Rizzo.
David Greenman, Jordan Hubbard.
Poul-Henning Kamp, Justin Gibbs, Jonathan Bresler.
Mike Smith, John Polstra
Guido van Rooij, Luigi Rizzo.
Before dinner
At 18:30 we went down to the hotel lobby to gather a quorum for dinner, during which I took
these photos.
Mark Murray, Mike Smith.
Ollivier Robert, Jordan Hubbard, Mark Murray.
Ollivier Robert, Jordan Hubbard, Mark Murray.
After that, a whole lot more of us joined together and we went out to dinner. The night
before had been a rather unpleasant experience, with a total bill of over $2000 for what was
generally accepted to not have been very good, so this time we went to TGIF's. I haven't
commented the names here, because I don't know all of them, but for those of you who know
Doug White, he's there--try to pick him out.
Particularly those of you who were there: please send me the names, and I'll add the
I know this one, since I was sitting at the table: Jonathan Bresler, Poul-Henning Kamp,
Jordan Hubbard and no me.
The walking computer
After dinner, we saw Steve Mann, who had described his wearable computer during the
conference. See his Home page for more
details. Here's a photo of him in cooked mode: