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This is one of many pages describing plants and animal life that we have in our garden. In many cases, we don't know what they are. Comments welcome.
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This plant grew on the north side of the shade area in the north bed, starting some time in November 2010, not far from mystery 24. We weren't sure if it's a weed or not, but it looks like it's a real plant. Possibly both this flower and mystery 24 were planted by the previous owners of the house and then overrun by other plants.
Ruth Viebrock has identified this plant as a Nachtkerze or Oenothera glazioviana, also called “Evening Primrose” in English. Here some newer photos of mine:
Here by comparison a couple of photos from Wikimedia:
It seems that this flower blooms mainly in the evening, though they're always open in the daytime when I look. The flowers open extremely quickly, sometimes in less than a minute. I wonder if I can catch that some time.
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