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This page is a work in progress describing those plants in our garden that I haven't yet been able to identify. Over the course of a couple of years, I've identified many, and they're described on the garden plants page. Follow the links for more photos in each category. If you have information about the plants, I'd be pleased to hear from you. The “mysteries” are gradually being solved, so not all entries are mysteries any more. They're also on the garden plants page, but I'm leaving them here as well for historical reasons.
This page is organized in reverse chronological order. It's one of the very few pages on this site that is: I hate reverse chronological documents, because they're almost always the wrong sequence. But in this case the individual plants are unrelated, and it's the newest ones that are of most interest. Sometimes, very seldom, reverse chronological order makes sense.
This is Melianthus major
This is Oenothera glazioviana.
This is Viburnum prunifolium
This is Ballota or Horehound.
This is a duplicate of Mystery 14, the Vinca minor
This is Senna aciphylla.
This is Safflower.
This is Vinca minor
This is Chlorophytum.
This is almost certainly Chasmanthe floribunda.
This is a flower we found blooming in late winter 2008 in the shade to the west of the house.
This is a Tree dahlia
These are Erysimums
This must be some kind of weed, so I've described it there too.
Mystery 7 is an Australian native Oxalis
This is a Watsonia.
At some point I decided that this was a Bignonia, but now I'm sure it's a Pandorea jasminoides.
This is Sparaxis
This is Acanthus mollis
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