Sunday, 1 August 1965 | Kuala Lumpur | |
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Woken about 9.30 am, and up, doing little in particular until I woke up. Then took a look at the paper, and discovered that the Asia magazine has done an issue on photography this week. Quite interesting - it strikes me that the standard of photography is higher in Asia than in any other part of the world.
Then had breakfast, and settled down to read the Asia magazine.
After a while, heard cursing from Dad, and he said something about having to go out to PJ to check on the Sodhy job, but I asked him what he was doing about going to the Golf club, so we went there instead. Mum was a bit snaky about not being asked, but nevertheless did not want to come. Rang her up from the golf club, but no come.
Then out to the Sodhy and Arulampulam houses, and thence back home again to one of Eileen's currys. [sic] After makan, the curry was more potent than the coffee, and to my room again to read about Bicolor - I feel that I have rather been cheated, especially as there once was a Bipack colour film.
Then speculating on the possibility of selling my 135 mm Super Takumar for £45 in England and buy a new one, and also a 28 mm Super Takumar when I come back. Should be enough.
Then more or less dozed off for a while, and then messing around a bit with my Pentax. Shortly later, along came Dad to say that he liked the music which I had just been playing on my recorder, and would I like to come along and have a game of squash with him. Ever game, I consented, and Bev came along as well to do something in the new pool at the lake club.
I have decided now, in light of experience, that squash is just is not the game for me. It might have been more fun had I been able to hit the ball...
After a bit of swimming back home. Had makan, etc, but nothing happened of interest.
Monday, 2 August 1965 | Kuala Lumpur | |
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Dad woke me up at 7.00pm [sic] with something about going up to Penang, and I decided that I might at least go out to the airport to see him off, and got up as a result.
Pumped myself full of coffee, one cup at home and another two at the airport, and as a result was more or less awake by the time that Dad left.
Then back home, where Mum had just left in a bit of a bad mood, and subsequently over to the office to see her, and into town do to a bit of shopping.
To Greniers, where Mum had a hell a lot of stuff to order, and then to the British council, and had a look at a book on Photographic chemistry, and made application for membership, and it seems that I can do so.
Then, after lunch, Bev changed her mind about going swimming, as she had originally intended, and decided instead to go shopping with Mum. As Dad had asked me to do some prints of some of his other drawings, I did so, with a reasonable amount of success. Decided that I would have to project onto the floor, and put Mum's typewriter on the baseboard to prevent it tipping over. Made it very stable indeed. Shoved Dad's f/1,5 t00 mm lens in, which made it a lot brighter, but the flare was so bad that I had to stop down to f/4.
This was the standard lens on my father's Canon, which could have been a Canon IV SB2, but maybe a IV SB):
The lens could be this lens, though the lens my father had the Canon name:
This forum thread suggests that it was, indeed, quite soft when fully open.
Finally got the lot done, and decided that I might as well utilise this projection onto the floor stuff, and so put on the wide angle lens, and projected an L IFF negative on the floor, with observable grain. It looked like snowflakes with HP3.
Then all home for tea, and they were going to make some treat or another, but ran out of gas, so had a simple tea, while Mum found fault with all the animal's health.
Then they out again to do some shopping. Did little in the evening - read a bit.
Tuesday, 3 August 1965 | Kuala Lumpur | Images for 3 August 1965 |
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Although I asked Eileen to bring in tea at 7.00 am this morning, felt so tired that I slept on until about 11.50, at which point Bev woke me. Expected and got quite a few sarky comments, especially seeing as though she was already preparing the lunch.
Dad did not bother to go to the office as Mum would have been coming back almost immediately.
When she did finally come, she and Eileen were talking about the Keng Hua flowers (considered very lucky by the Chinese), and I persuaded Mum to let me buy some colour film to photograph them.
Until 17 March 2009, “Keng Hua” is the only name I knew for these flowers. I then found that they're better known as Epiphyllum oxypetalum.
Also Pui Tiong Yeong rang and wanted to make out a will, so Mum decided to call a Rajasooria lawyer and rang up, and Lal and Rajiin were just coming over anyway, so when Rajin arrived, Mum told him how to make out a will, and the rest of us had a good lunch.
Topic: photography | Link here |
Then into town, and first to Kodak, mainly to look for a book about Kodak B&W roll films, and discovered it would cost me 25¢ more than I had. Gave up, could not find Rahmat [our driver], rang Mum, and then started walking down towards Eastern Photographers, and met him on the way. Borrowed $1.00 from him, bought the book, and to Eastern Photographers to buy a KR [Kodachrome] 135-20, which cost me $10.30—more expensive than I had expected.
How did I pay for the film? I didn't record, but I suppose we had an account with Eastern Photographers, like with many other companies.
Then back, and Mum was rather annoyed about the cost of the KR (which is apparently process K12), but did little about it.
Topic: general | Link here |
Then out to the airport, and met Dad there, and then back to the office, where they were only going to wait about 20 minutes, but was in fact closer to 1 hour. Then back and had tea—without Bev, who was at the Lake Club.
Topic: photography | Link here |
Then Bev back, while I decided to try to develop the Pan F I had just finished, and had trouble getting it into the spiral—until I wet the lot. Must be more careful with Pan F development times—very fast.
Plenty of fun photographing the Keng Huas.
Wednesday, 4 August 1965 | KL. | Images for 4 August 1965 |
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Up with Dad again this morning, mainly to make up for not having been up at all yesterday morning.
In to the office even with him, as he had some hard-luck story about a hell of a lot of work, and I, like a fool, offered to help.
First thing he wanted me to do was to take some cleaning implement and get to the duplicating machine, which was in need of a clean. That did not take me too long, and then I was given a few recent copies of the Architects Journal, and told to file them - this was in fact easier than it appeared - all I had to do was tear them out and put them in the box corresponding to the SfB number on them. Unfortunately, a few boxes were missing. Then stamped a hell of a lot of stuff which had to be categorised.
Then Bev rang up to say she wanted to go to the lake club, and I wanted to go too, so back and then to the lake club. There Bev met a couple of friends, and introduced them to me. One, Lillian Gunton, and although she is not pretty, I quite like the look of her. Told Bev so - she told me she was in the same form as Bev at St. Claires.
Then home, and as we were going to the “The Sound of Music” again, could not go to the lake club, and instead stayed at home doing very little, until about 3.30, then rang Mum and started walking over to the office.
At the office, had a cup of coffee, but Cheng Wui rang very late, and in the end we left (by foot) without him. Met him on the corner of Ampang and Campbell roads, and to the flick. Enjoyed it very much even for the second time, but would not particularly care to see it a 3rd time.
Then Mum and Dad picked us up, and then we went to buy some sateh.
Back home, had makan, watched TV for a while, and then in, and did a few prints - 1 of a place called “Susan Peters” in Ampang road - coincidence.
Thursday, 5 August 1965 | KL. | Images for 5 August 1965 |
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Late up, almost as a sort of every second day alternative, and when I went outside, asked Bev what the chances were that we would be going to the Lake Club this morning. She said something about Mum's car being out of commission, and so I cursed heartily, for I would have liked to see Lillian again, and went to have my breakfast.
Then decided I might as well check on the chances, and rang up Mum, and she said something, and rang up, and eventually she said yes, and sent Rahmat over to take us up, and so over.
Not having a backspace key was hell.
Walked into the changing room, and was hailed by Mike Symes from the pissoir, and then into the pool, where was also his sister. She intrigues me, but I do not know whether I like her or not.
Then packed up and went to take my last KR on the largest monument in the world, just behind the lake club.
I don't know where I got the impression that it was the largest in the world.
After lunch, over to the office to get some drawings of Dad's which he wanted copied, and as I had some FX in my camera, I decided I might as well have a go at them.
While I was over there, however, I was given the job of working out the cost per sq. ft of all his various settlers houses on all the various schemes in Sarawak, and then over to the house to go to the Lake Club, and Lilian had told Bev on the phone that she would be there this afternoon.
She was alright, and apperently [sic] pleased to see us - Bev or me, I wonder? Had something to say about going to PD tomorrow. Made me quite a bit happier about going myself. Turn of luck, for the better, I hope. Then, however, she was off, and hung about doing a bit of sunbathing.
Then had to walk back, but Dad met us at the other end of Jalan Melaka, and home from there. At home, after the Flintstones, Mum and Dad off to a cocktail party, and I had a bit of a go at the copying, but the copyright notices was a bastard. Dad and Mum very late back.
Friday, 6 August 1965 | Kuala Lumpur → Port Dickson | |
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Woke up again fairly late today, although I had asked Dad to wake me - I really must get down to him about that.
As it was so late, did not bother to go into the office with Mum, but stayed at home, and had my breakfast at a leisurely rate.
After a while later however, I did not feel like hanging around, and decided that it was about time I got a book about photographic paper. Decided not to ring Mum, as I could be pretty sure not to be allowed to go, but instead just to go for a walk, and somehow end up in Pudu road, and this I did, with no difficultly at all - no inconvenience, trouble, etc at all.
Mum & Dad were back late for some reason, and over lunch expounded their plans for this afternoon, usw, and then along came Lalita. I gave her a 3½ × 2½ print or two of her friend, and she was highly delighted, but promised her more nonetheless, and then over to the office to get some drawings of Dads which he wanted copied, and back home to copy them - I chose a rather bad time, as Mum was coming in and out, which is not very practical with a Photoflood behind the door.
Finally got started, however, and thanks to not having to put this copyright notice on them, I was rattling them off that the rate of about one a minute, which was quite useful, and had finished the whole FX by about 3.15. Then packed up my stuff, deciding that I would be able to use an L ISS over the weekend, and rang up Dad, but he was not too happy, and started saying something about W IF or something. Gave up, took the hint, into the darkroom and loaded 3 cassettes full of W IF. Obviously a brand new load, and I would be very surprised it it were fogged - gave 3 cm a trial development, but no fog.
Then all arrived, including Carmel, and we had tea usw, and then to the Weld Supermarket to buy all we would need for the weekend, and ended up with one hell of a lot of stuff, and scarcely managed to fit it in the car. Saw Pui Tiong Yeong at the Lady Templar Hospital as well. Quite late to PD.
Saturday, 7 August 1965 | PD → Labis → PD | Images for 7 August 1965 |
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Dad woke me a little later today, at about 9.30, and then up to make a breakfast of Leberwurst and bread, and then said goodbye to the girls, who were still useless, and off to the Dabrowski job on the other side of Labis.
This was somewhat complicated by the fact that PD is not on the main KL - Singapore road, and the next best place to join it would be at Tampin, and so went along a lot of small other motorable roads, which the map did not portray too well - or have the foundations shifted since that survey?
Finally got to Labis, and I took a couple of photos of the house, which has got on in the past 2 weeks. Neither Marisia nor Joe were there (perhaps just as well), and we were off within ½ an hour. Into Labis to see Joe, then off again.
On the other side of Gemas, Dad's conscience nagged at him - we went as a result to Kampong Pasir Besar FLDA scheme, which he had never been to before.
Then back home, arriving at 3.45. Mum said something about wanting to wait for us for lunch, but did not think we would be back until 4 pm. Don't know what time she thought it was.
Had a sort of lunch, and then Dad decided that it would be fun to get out the boat, and had one hell of a susah about that, but eventually got it into the water, and got it moving - though not for long, and eventually we decided it was more trouble than it was worth. Pulled it in to the shore, where it got stuck.
Gave up for the time, and Mum wanted us all to go to the Si-Rusa pub to watch TV. I could have clobbered her. We went, however, but Dad and I stayed in the bar drinking.
Then back, and had a very appetising barbecue makan - my only complaint is that there was not enough thereof. Quite late to bed.
Sunday, 8 August 1965 | PD → KL | |
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Up again today rather later than usual, but made the excuse that we were, after all, getting a rest. By the time I had staggered downstairs, Dad was already finishing his breakfast, and then I had a go at making some myself, while Dad, Bev and Carmel went down for a swim.
Made a bit of a mess of my breakfast - my fried egg looked and tasted more like an omelette by the time I was finished - and then down to join the rest, although Mum was a little worried about going in.
Got hold of a schnorkel, and out to have a look at the coral reef, which would look wonderful were it not for the plankton and protozoa and other things floating about in the water, and rather degrading our vision.
Out again after a while, and up to have some coffee, and Mum said something about keeping out of the sun, and so I got out my Altboockflöte, and started playing it until Carmel started complaining, and then just sat around doing little until Dad suggested that we went in for a swim. Had already got quite a bit of a tan, but did not protect myself unduly, nor did I seem to need it, for it did not really get burnt.
Then had lunch, and Mum said something about having tea in an hour, and then leaving. Sat down, and read considerably about sensitised photographic goods, and then woke Mum up, packed, etc, and got moving only half an hour later.
The weather was lousy, which at least helped me with my insistance [sic] that Carmel was wrong in saying that it never rained in PD.
Finally got back, very late because of the heavy slow traffic on the roads, and had a go at developing the FX 135-36 that I finished on Friday. Came out quite well.
Monday, 9 August 1965 | KL. | |
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Up with Dad this morning, and felt pretty tired about the whole affair, but nevertheless did not go back to sleep. Almost as soon as Dad got in to the office, a fellow by the name of Skelchy came in to claim a job which Dad had offered him a month ago. After that, in and got hold of Dad, and borrowed of him a device for drawing parallel lines a fixed distance apart. Tried it a few times, but decided in the end that I was just wasting tracing paper, and anyway had to prepare the coffee, as Ramlee was not here, and then decided that there was little to do in the office, and that I might as well go home, and so did so. Started reading some Somerset Maugham stories, and carried on thus and similarly for quite some time. Dad has wanted me to do some prints for him, but I could not be fagged.
After lunch, Dad wanted to go to the Australian Trade Exhibition at the Chinese Assembly Hall - the main reason apparently to meet a friend of Ananda Khrishnan [sic] there, but he was either very late or did not turn up, so Dad made a janji [agreement] with Ananda to meet them at the Merlin at 5.30, and on to Felt and Textiles in Jalan Mountbatten, and I to Eastern Photographers to buy a lens brush-blower, but when I discovered they cost $3.50, I gave it up as a bad job, and decided I would just have to find my old one.
Then to Qantas office, and there met Ngoei, who helped me get my Pentax so cheaply, but whose name was apparently unpronounceable enough to be referred to merely as Gui.
Then home with Dad, had tea, and Dad off to the Merlin, which I stayed at home. Before long, in walked Mum, and wanted me to come and see “Goldfinger” with Bev and her. Declined, and waited for Dad to come back. The place was sold out, anyway.
To the office, and also had a second makan of Sateh.
It's surprising that I didn't mention the political event of the day, if not of the decade: Singapore was kicked out of Malaysia. I still remember a tearful Lee Kuan Yew announcing it on TV, wondering how his poor island state could survive. But how it survived! It's a pity he didn't survive to experience the 50th anniversary.
Tuesday, 10 August 1965 | KL. → Klang → KL | |
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Woken up by Dad today to know if I would like to come out to Klang with him to see some timber drying sheds and kilns for Anglo-Oriental, and so I said I might as well. Left quite early, and picked up Skelchy outside the office, and then to Klang. Didn't realise how far away it was - in fact, things were not all as the might have been, owing to lack off supervision, and Dad had a fair number of complaints to make about it all - especially the kiln, which was coming apart at the seams.
Back again then, and I decided that I might as well go home, as Dad wanted some 2½ × 3½" prints done of the plans I copied. Went home, and did 17 of them, and then called it morning, and waited for him to come home for lunch.
After lunch, wanted to invite Lillian Gunten [sic] to come and see “Carry on Cleo”, as it was the last day, and Bev rang up, but it appeared she was not yet back from PD - and so we arranged to go by ourselves.
Mum turned up for lunch at about 2.30 - she has been acting strangely lately - and proceeded to say something disparaging about Dad. Got very annoyed when I made it obvious that I was not interested - only just got off to the flicks on time.
Flick was as good the second time as the first (10/I/1965) and Dad timed coming to pick us up beautifully - just turning in as we came out.
Then home, and had a bit of tea, and then decided to go to the Lake club to practice for the family race. Discovered I can do a wonderful belly-flop type dive which will take me 20 ft. - even it if does half kill me.
Then home again, had makan, and over to the office with Dad. This looks like being a nightly do - at least if Mum carries on like that.
Wednesday, 11 August 1965 | KL. | |
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Dad woke me as usual this morning, and said something about getting up, but I was absolutely exhausted, and told him so, and asked him to ring me at about 10.00 am, at which time I would proceed to get up and do his prints for him. He did not ring, but was up nevertheless, and had breakfast, to make Eileen happy, and then sat around doing nothing for a while, until Eileen tried to get into the bathroom/darkroom, and I then kicked her out, and put her stuff in Mum's room.
Then decided I had better get down to some printing, and did so, and finished off all the other prints which Dad wanted me to do in the process.
Then sat at home, expecting Dad to come, but at about 1145 arrived Mum, and decided that it was about time we had lunch. Could not very well complain, and so had makan, and then read for a while, and waited for Dad.
Lunchtime came and went, and all that turned up was Lal, and after a while I got a bit fed up (for he had asked me to have them ready by lunchtime), and rang him, but he was busy.
Before long, Mum was over to make up some developer for her Luxacopy machine, and rather insulted me by telling me that I had no practical ability.
Then rang Dad again, but he was still busy. Finally he rang back, but did little constructive.
Carried on doing little until he came back, and we had a sort of tea, rather late, and then the girls went off to see “Goldfinger”, and we to the office.
After doing a fair amount of work there, decided to go and have some makan at the Golf club, where we bumped into Lal and Raja, and then back to the house.
Spent quite a bit of time in our rooms before the girls came back - stayed there after as well.
Mum went slightly beserk after we had gone to sleep - carried on until the small hours. Seems to be an annual event (see 11/VIII/1964).
Thursday, 12 August 1965 | KL. | |
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Dad wanted me to come over to the office this morning as he claimed to have one hell of a lot of work to do, mainly involving the Gestetner machine, and so, like the fool that I am, I agreed to have a bash, and so over.
Waited quite some time before Dad attempted to explain the intricacies of the machine to me, during which time I had a copy of the Architects Journal to file.
Dad was not too sure how the thing worked himself, and got Mum to send an emergency call to Gestetner. Meanwhile, however, we worked out how the thing worked, and I established that it is one hell of a messy thing to operate.
Then Mum wanted me to go into town to do some work for her, and so went, first to the house to get my week-overdue USIS books, and then into town. Dad decided to let me get my own pen, but Caxtons are out of stock. No fine on USIS books.
In the afternoon, had to go over to the office to be shewn how to operate the Gestetner, but he did not show me much that I had not already deduced.
Then back over to the house, and tried to make up for lost time on the prints, but it was a hell of a slow business - each print needed an exposure of about 1 minute, which speeded things up little.
After doing about 9 prints, I decided a) I felt exhausted, and b) I was exceeding the throughput of the basin, and so took a rest. After a while, felt how slimy the prints were, and rang up Dad about getting some Na₂S₂O₅ for the fixer, and also some form of hypo eliminator. Permission was granted, and thence to walk down town, but did not like the look of the weather, and dropped into the office to get a payong [umbrella].
Then to check on hypo eliminators at the USIS - nothing very helpful, but I need not have worried, for they had some Kodak Hypo eliminator at Eastern Photographers, and so I got that.
Did little at home in the evening - now that Mum has made up with Dad, there is little happening.
Friday, 13 August 1965 | KL. | |
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Dad had something to say about wanting a couple of prints done for San Sai Lam this morining, and asked me if I would be so kind as to make them. Accordingly up, brokefast, and over to the office, where Dad gave me a 20"×30", and asked me to do a dozen of them, and also 6 of a 10"×15". The paper only just held out. Then I had to do some spects for the Borneo Land Development staff, while Dad and Shelchy went out to PJ. Miss Antony was on about today's date, and indeed it brought in some intersting stuff - 2 cheques from Ayer Lanas, one dated 30/V/1965, and valid 30 days. God only knows what goes on in there. Enter Mum and Lali, and shortly thereafter went home, and after a bit of procrastinating, got down to enlarging Dad's negatives for him.
Then lunch, only once again Dad could not make it home - this is getting just a little irritating, especially when he says he wants stuff ready by lunch time. Then Mum back to the office, or somewither, and I decided to get a few photos of the kittens. To help me, it started to raining, and so out came the flash.
Did not get much - it is difficult to get them where one wants them. Further complicated by the fact that Bev wanted me to help her make popcorn.
Finally was saved by Ahmad bin Mahmuddin, and in he came, and we started talking about photography. He is still interested in getting an Exa 1a, and I think he may end up with a Pancolar in front of it. 'Twould be rather amusing. Explaining to him all the things that he would need for it, and a lot that he would not.
Then did a bit of flute practice, and I dragged out my 116 camera and showed it to him. I suspect the focus on that thing. Finished the film, and developed it, and my suspicions were confirmed.
Family very late home, and we missed tea. Ahmad stayed for makan, then took him home. Had hoped for an early night, but no such luck.
Saturday, 14 August 1965 | Kuala Lumpur → Seremban → Kuala Lumpur | |
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Woke up before Dad this morning, but he did not keep thus, and before long I was asleep again. Woke at about 10.00 am, and it suddenly occurred to me that today we were supposed to be going to Seremban, so rang up to find what the situation was. Dad said something about leaving about 10.45, and so had my breakfast, and got moving. Rahmad was late, and then I had to go back to the office, so we got off to quite a late start.
Did not take long to get to Seremban, and had a drink at the rest house before going out to see the FLDA sites, where RIDA want a couple of bus stations built. All went normally at the first, but at the second, Labu Jaya, they had the site planted out with rambutans until the end of the year. Dad was not very happy.
Then back again, by a short cut, and the constructor followed us. We were half way to Kajang before he realised he was on the wrong road.
Then had a late lunch, and discovered Bev was spending the day at the Lake Club, so decided to go over and join her.
Did so, and she was trying to get some practice for the family race tomorrow, which I flatly refused to do, and then we spent the rest of the afternoon fooling around, and did very little real serious practice. Bev has fallen in love with a Swede, and wants me to get to know him. I suppose it is my duty.
After quite some time, got fed up with that, and we rang Dad, who wanted to do some work on his trimaran. After a while, during which we had tea, Mum came along and picked us up, and then we went to the Supermarket to get some food for another tea.
Had this, at quite a late hour, and then I retired to my room to consider the iniquities of this world, etc, but mainly to write up my diary.
Ahmad rang to ask how to use the automatic setting of the 116 camera, which I have lent him. What the hell does he think is automatic on that?
Sunday, 15 August 1965 | Kulal Lumpur → Ipoh | Images for 15 August 1965 |
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Up quite late today, but even so had the rare opportunity, and, might I say, experience, of getting Dad out of bed.
Then preparing for going to the swimming gala, and got off pretty smartly, merely by not waiting for Mum.
Once there, proceeded to get my cameras setup (had Dad's as well), and then got moving.
Bev did not, when it was all boiled down, have much to do, but took quite a few of the photos of the ones she was in. Also one of a bird (whom I believe is called Sally Gardener), upon whom I have had my eye for some time.
Then, before we knew it, came the family race, in 3 heats. We were in the first, and we came 1st in that, to the joy of many, and then while I was in the other pool talking to Mike Syme (Netherton Christmas 1964), Dad came along and said he had a bird for me to meet, and introduced me to Sally Gardener. Good old Dad.
Then the final of the family race, and somehow or another we won, to my great joy. Got Carmel to take a few photos of the prizegiving, which she did, and then she liked my camera so much that she asked me to buy her one in Penang.
Home, and developed the Pan F that I had in Dad's camera, but mine was still not finished, despite Carmel's attempt at the end of it all.
Then had makan, while Bev and Mum watched a dying canary, and then Dad and Mum wanted to go over to the office, and wanted me to have a rest. Stayed at home, but was too busy to have a rest, and finally got my diary written up for yesterday.
Then Mum and Dad appeared to be a bit late returning from the office, so rang them up to hurry them up.
Finally they arrived back at about 6.00 pm, our ETD, and we got moving, and we were off by about 6.45 and en route to Ipoh.
Stopped to take a few night photos on the way, and got into the Ipoh club (which, fortunately, had had a cancellation) at about 9.45. Had makan there before they found that we had no introduction card, but we managed to fiddle it.
To use the facilities of a club, you had to be a member, guest of a member, or member of an affiliated club, in which case you needed the introduction card to prove it.
Monday, 16 August 1965 | Ipoh → K. Kangsar → Teloi Ihaman → Penang | Images for 16 August 1965 |
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Fellow in to wake us at 6.30 am (which works out at 2300 hrs GMT) this morning, and immediately up and packed up our stuff and disappeared.
Tried to get a photo outside the club, and discovered that my lens was very badly misted - could hardly get it off. Very moist up here. Carried on, and decided to have breakfast at Kuala Kangsar, which we did, at about 7.30 am.
Then on, heading for Kuala Ketil and thence to Teloi Ihman LD [Land Development] scheme, and found our way without too much in the way of mishap. The place was by no means finished, and Dad had quite a few notes to make. Could not find our way to the manager's home, so did not see him.
Stopped at Kuala Ketil on the way back for a cup of coffee, and some cheruts - 15 for 45¢, or under 1d each - would cost over 1/- in England.
Then on to Butterworth, and I went over the ferry as a pedestrian, in order to declare my belongings as separate to the car.
Although part of Malaysia, Penang was a duty-free zone, which is why we were buying the camera there. Presumably I registered the camera I had with the mainland customs before crossing, so that I wouldn't have any difficulty getting it back across, especially since we were bringing a second camera.
Met Dad on the ferry, and thence to his office at 28 Beach St. Met Chor, the poor bastard who is being blackmailed by his landlady. Also came along Tommy Lim, who is a contractor, and reckons to be able to get me cheap cameras. Like the secratary [sic] they have up there - she is a sweet little thing.
Then Tommy Lim got one of his clerks to take me around the photo shops, while he, Dad and Chor went to Alor Star and Perlis, and had a look at what they had. Want $275 for a camera, and $42 for a meter, but Carmel draws a line only at +$20, so we will make it at $317 odd.
This was for a Pentax SV and clip-on light meter, like the one I had. The pricing might give me an idea what I paid for mine the previous month. I didn't note what I paid for it, but it could have been round $260. Singapore was always cheaper than Penang, so that could explain the +$20.
Then bought some Konipan SS, rated at 100ASA, and put it into my camera. out to the snake temple, and took some photos there, though I made a bit of a mess of them in one way and another.
Then to the Ayer Itam temple, over which I went mad with delight, and took about 15 photos. Also bought a couple of flutes nearby.
Then to the botanical gardens, where the monkeys are, and got a couple of photos of them. Must go again tomorrow.
Then back to the hotel, and had makan, and waited there for Dad to come back.
Tuesday, 17 August 1965 | Penang → KL | Images for 17 August 1965 |
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Dad woke me this morning at about 9.15, and ordered breakfast for us, and after that we left the place, and I nearly left my camera behind - very unusual for me.
To the office, and even got a lift from the car park from Tommy Lim.
Spent quite a bit of time in the office, and I got just a little bored. Eventually Dad rang up Carmel in KL, and got the go-ahead to buy the Pentax for $317, and bought it. Dad then went back, and I went up and down the street trying out various wide angle lenses.
Then back to the office, and was comparing the 2 cameras when the rewind knob of Carmel's fell off. Back again, and waited 10 minutes while they fixed the thing up.
Then over the ferry, and it strikes me it would be quite easy to smuggle stuff across.
Then set out south, and stopped for makan at a place called Bagan Serai, and then on again, stopping only to buy some peanuts for Mum. We were aiming for 6.00 pm arrival, and considered ourselves rather behind time, so went like hell, despite the lousy weather - Dad reckons that it must have been raining all over the country. For the last 50 miles we were counting the minutes based on our average, and we got back home at 6.02 pm - which, considering we were coming from Penang, was not at all bad.
Then got into the darkroom, and loaded my W IF into the tank, and developed it in Rodinal as for L IF, which did not do at all badly.
Then left it to wash, and prepared for the party, which was supposed to start at 8.00 pm.
At about 7.30, discovered that Bev was coming, and then waited until 8.00 pm - they thought it started at 8.30. Got there, and discovered I was not correctly dressed, but quickly changed. Met quite a few birds, and got quite friendly with a bird called Lesley Cannings, whom I like quite a bit, and I think she likes me.
Wednesday, 18 August 1965 | KL | |
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Despite the late night last night, got up comparatively early this morning - perhaps all the excitement from last night had not yet worn off. In any case, got up pretty smartly, but did not bother to go into the office - decided that a day spent at home would not do me too much harm, and besides, I was really a little too tired to do anything very constructive.
After breakfast, hung around in the lounge room reading photographic magazines. In the end, decided that this was not much use, but nevertheless did little. Finally decided that I might as well have a go at developing my Konipan SS, and loaded into a tank, and made up some Promicrol, and got moving. It took me a full 35 minutes, and when I took it out I discovered that it had come off the spiral, and there were bits of undeveloped film from place to place. Very annoying. However, could do little about it, and ſo fixed, waſhed and hung it up to dry. Had a cold makan, which Eileen had prepared for us earlier in the day, and then had coffee with Lal, who popped her head in to ſay that Raja wanted me to get him a Pentax. I am becoming well known as a camera procurer.
In the afternoon, finally got too fed up of ſtaying at home all day, and rang up Dad to tell him that there were a multitude of things which I wanted. Mum had something nasty to say about not making Rahmad work in the afternoon - I sometimes wish people would be that considerate of me.
Let me go however, and first to Nainas to get some Oxalic acid and a funnel, neither of which they had. Then to Caxtons to see if they had got my pen, but had not. Poſted the letters form Mum, and then to Eaſtern Photographers to buy a funnel.
Back home, tidied up the darkroom, and lay down on my bed, and promptly fell asleep.
Dad woke me just in time for tea, and then we were decided to go to the Lake Club for makan, and after various mishaps, we made it.
Did little in the evening.
Thursday, 19 August 1965 | KL. | |
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Up early this morning, and to the office with Dad, where I stayed until nearly 9.00 am, and then down to see if my pen had arrived at Caxton's yet. Fortunately, it had, and then went on to the lake Club, and sat down there and started to read a magazine. Before at all long, Lesley arrived, and went in to change. Hung about for a while, while she went over to the far end of the pool, and then decided I might as well get changed myself. Took quite a bit of time to induce her to come into the pool, but eventually plucked up sufficient courage to go over and sit on the deck chair next to her, and we got talking. She must live a terribly boring life. Invited her to the party, but she was not too sure whether she would be allowed to come. She came into the pool, but after awhile, proceedings were complicated by her friend Sally, whom I also met at the dance. However, got hold of her telephone number (they have moved since Jan.), and promised to phone her. Also gave her ours.
Then home, and discovered that I had been invited to Carol and Mike's party. I wish I had been told earlier - the invitation was for tonight. Also, Bev was changing the date of the party, so I rang Lesley up about that.
In the afternoon, Mum wanted me to do a few things for her, which involved going down town, and to the usual places - the bank, post office, and to Eastern Photographers for a passport Photo - taken on HP3 with a Rollei. What an insult.
Then back to the office, and thence home, where I proceeded to scrub all the fixer stain off the inside of the bath.
Then left it to soak, and relaxed in my room for a while. before too long, all were back again, and tea was ready for us.
Then, after/during tea, got dressed for Mike's party (I think it was Carols, in fact, but as far as I am concerned it was Mikes), and then watched “The Flintstones”, and then more or less managed to get moving.
The party, with all due respect to Mike and Carol, was a flop, and I just gave up in the last hour or so, and sat out talking to Mike, who was after some Pakistani Princess.
Friday, 20 August 1965 | KL. | Images for 20 August 1965 |
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As yesterday, up early this morning, although, after getting to bed so late last night, I felt little like it. However, I had arranged to meet Lesley, so there was nothing I could do about it.
To the office first, as Mum wanted me to do a couple of prints of a stencil for her, and all would have been well had she been up. However, she was not, and I had to wait for her to turn up.
Finally got the stuff run off, and went over to the Lake Club, changed, and found that there was nobody there, and that they were cleaning the pool. Before long, however, Sally turned up, and joined me, begging me to forgive her for being nasty to her [sic] yesterday, usw. Spent quite a bit of time talking to her - she is quite nice. I like the looseness of her swimming costume - most interesting..
Lesley finally arrived at about 11.30, and so in, and spent a bit of time talking to her - also to her mother. Her initial shyness has worn off. She also was wearing an interesting bathing costume - who said bikinis were best?
Rahmat, however, came all too soon with a note from Dad to the effect that I would have to leave, and so, reluctantly, did so, and went home, and promptly off to sleep.
They got me up for lunch, and I woke up about half-way through. Had some coffee to keep me going in the afternoon, and then over to the office. Did some errands for Mum - to the Bank, doctors, and also got some invitation cards and to Eastern Photographers to tell them to hurry up.
Then back, and ran off a couple more skins, one of which was the map of how to get to Lorong Perak.
Then, after Mum had settled some problem with Bev and a boyfriend, off to take something to the Qantas office, and thence home.
Reading “The strange story of the Quantum” by Hoffmann, and very interesting. Also did a bit of music, but once again, before long I was off to sleep. I must try to sleep at night sufficiently unto the day.
Then tea, after which we had to take Bev to a party at Jacky Webb's, and then back home again, where between TV shows, got an acute attack of boredom - neither did Dad's remedies help much.
Saturday, 21 August 1965 | KL | |
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After getting up on time for nearly a week, I finally succumbed to exhaustion, and today got up at what I thought to be 10.15, but which was, in fact, closer to 11.30. Both Mum and Bev were outside - what is wrong with them? I would do anything to get out of the house.
Presumably “outside” means “outside the bedrooms, in the lounge room”.
Before long, after the Malay Mail had come, and been vaguely inspected, Bev said something about invitation cards for this party on Tuesday, and wanted to do them herself, despite my protests that I would rather get Dad to do them.
That was the beginning of the end. Mum decided that she would organise us - that is becoming a dirty word in this family - and we got into one hell of a glorious mess, which Bev and I insisted was due to Mum's organisation, and which Mum insisted was due to the lack thereof.
Just about before Dad came back, we were more or less finished, which meant that we had written out 4 invitation cards between us, and that was all we were sure about.
Lal came over after lunch, which somewhat relieved the tense atmosphere which was prevailing at that time and stayed most of the afternoon. I was the only person present when she came, as the rest of the family were out in High St. enjoying themselves.
Retired to the darkroom when Lal was taken over by the rest of the family, and stayed there until Dad was ready to go into town to get some stuff. To Eastern Photographers, where I was given 6 of the most appaling [sic] passport photographs I have ever seen in my life - and also one of the flattest negatives.
The stuff did not go all too well in the darkroom. Dad had some rather hard negatives to print, and I will have to get my hands on some soft paper - this should make the first time in my life that I will use it.
In the evening, dd little. Life tends do be rather boring at times, and I was bewailing the fact that I will not have much chance to see Lesley in the next week - until, probably, after Merdeka.
Late to bed, after Carmel came over and watched a slide show. All the old European slides - ach Nostalgia!
Sunday, 22 August 1965 | KL. | |
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Up, for some unknown reason, at about 9.00 am this morning, and had breakfast, and was just getting dressed, when Carmel rang to say that she would be along fairly soon to pick me up and take me to the Lake Club to explain to her the workings of the Asahi Pentax.
Told Mum, and she decided to come too, despite protests. Carmel finally arrived, and after about a half hour, she decided she was getting nowhere, and so we set off to the Lake Club, and finally got there, and she decided she wanted to go for a swim.
Before too long, Mike, Carol, Mum and Bev turned up, and then I got around to explaining the Pentax to Carmel. She took rather a long time to comprehend, but finally, after Mum had left again, we got to the end of it.
I suspect that her interest in cameras was not the only consideration. During the discussion she managed to let her bathing costume slip down, revealing her left breast.
Strolled down to the end of the pool to join Mike, Carol, and Bev - and was nearly hit in the eye by a Pentax SV with 200 mm f/5,6 Takumar, and got talking to the owner - he is interested in buying a wide angle lens. Said I would give him the results of my investigations if they proved worthwhile.
After that got a Taxi back home (God knows why), and had makan comparatively late.
After makan, got down to doing a few test prints off the wide angle lens tests. There are some interesting grain patterns, and very sharp, considering that the developer was Promicrol.
This must have been the Canon 28/3.5 from my father's Canon IV S2 rangefinder camera. I didn't get a wide angle lens for the Pentax until 8 January 1966.
Then got fed up, and took the dogs for a walk, which just about exhausted them, but which had little effect on me - only 2 or 3 miles.
Then Mum wanted to go to teach me and Bev to drive, and thus up to UK Heights, and had an argument on the way up, the cause of which I am unsure.
Then back again, after Bev had completely unnerved us, and had tea. Not surprisingly, Mum was not in a very good mood.
Then to my room, where I read for a while, and after a while makan.
Watching 8mm Kodachrome I after that - we must have about a mile of it.
Monday, 23 August 1965 | KL. | |
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Back again to the grind. Good old Lesley. If she does nothing else, at least she will make sure that I get up comparatively early every morning.
Over to the office with Dad - Rahmat was not well, so Dad gave him the day off. At least it meant I did not have to bother about that multitude of things that Mum had wanted me to do in town. However, after writing up my diary, Miss Anthony wanted me to proof read some stencils for her, and I could hardly refuse, and I just got out as Mum came in at about 9.45, and started walking to the Lake Club. Just going past the Dog, thinking of Lesley, when a car blew its horn, and pulled up, to give me a lift - my powers of suggestion are improving - 'twas the Cannings family.
Had quite a bit of fun at the pool - Sally was not there, so once they had cleaned out the pool (why must they do it so often?) we were together most of the time. I am getting to like her more and more. Saw also Sally Gardener (who, damn her, did not recognise me), and Lillian Gunten. Spent a bit of time talking to the Samuelssons and even took a photo, which I will try to sell to Bev.
Mrs Cannings gave me a lift back as well - in the back with Lesley, which was rather fun. Met the old man - he bears a bit of a resemblance to Dad. She got a couple of letters, but not from boys - got to thinking of my correspondance. [sic] My powers of suggestion are definitely improving, for when I got back, letter from Paul Hallett was waiting.
Started to reply after lunch, but my sleep caught up on me, and so I slept until about 6.00 pm, and then had a go at finishing the letter, usw, and got a couple of photos of Eileen soaking Ikan Bilis, and Bev lying on the floor, talking to Gillian on the phone.
Then Mum came back for tea, with Miss Anthony, and then they both went off again to the office, and Bev and I discussed the party tomorrow. Dad came back before long, and we had makan.
Evenings are becoming boring. I hope tomorrow is better.
Tuesday, 24 August 1965 | KL. | |
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Up again fairly punctually, and into the office with Dad, where I had to wait a bit before I could go off, and then down to Eastern Photographers, where they had nothing that I wanted, so down to the Lake club, where I met Mike Symes, and a Sikh friend of his, and later along came Sally, upon whom I wasted a bit of 8mm Kodachrome. She made known the same complaint as I was thinking - Lesley was not there. It rather amused me, however, that Lesley had told her that she would be coming, and then did not bother.
After a while, all got pretty boring, and I rang up Mum, who sent Rahmat over, and I gave Mike a lift, and thence back to the office, and thence back home.
After lunch, preparations were going at full scale for the party, and Mum and Bev decided to go to the Supermarket. I stayed at home, and found a couple of Dads old books on photography and started reading them. Terribly out of date - all technical references made me really laugh.
After a while, I could take it no more, and went off to sleep, and was woken by Bev entering with a bottle of sherry for me.
Got up, and out into the kitchen for a while, to see how the preparations were going. Quite well, and back and washed my hair.
Then carried on tidying up my room for a while, and before long, we had tea, and had to go over to Datok Rajasooria's to get a photo endorsed for passport, etc.
Then back, had a bath, and was just about ready when everybody started arriving - just about on time. Lesley arrived, looking very shy and beautiful, and it took a bit of time to get the party moving, despite the decreasing level of illumination.
After makan, however, we only had my safelight on, which was not very safe for some people. Got a bit worried about Alistair Buller dancing with Lesley, and went with her for the elimination dance.*
Footnote: *That eliminated the competition!
After that, we sat down, but she tried to get me to dance with her, so on the floor, and carried on for 2 sides of an LP, which gradually holding each other tighter, and ended up sitting down in a corner snogging. I think she likes me OK. Tried to arrange to see her tomorrow, etc, and all the usual. Very pleasing evening.
Added later, with a different pen:
Birthday same date as Uncle Bob (6/IV/1950). Rather expected a coincidence.
The real coincidence became clear round 16 April 1966: my next girlfriend, Jenny Hallett, was born the day before, on 5 April 1950. That was the first of three such coincidences.
Wednesday, 25 August 1965 | KL. | |
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Not surprisingly, up very late today, and waiting by the phone for Lesley to call. After I had just about given up hope, Eileen came up to me and told me that a bird rang up while I was asleep, and asked if I was in. She did not want to wake me up, and so told her that I was at the office. Blew up, rang the house, but they had kěluared [vacated] already.
She had said something about going to the Chinwoo pool, so I rang up Mum, and got Rahmat to come over, and to the Chinwoo, which was being cleaned, and so decided I had better try the Lake Club, where she was. Mrs. Cannings made some cryptic comment about “I thought you might come here”
Didn't, nor could we, do much in the pool, and all I got was Lesley teasing me - or playing hard-to-get. In either case, she did not persuade me very well.
After a while, she got hold of a few 8-years-old-odd kids, which considerably threw a spanner in the works. Their car was on the blink, so I offered them a life back home, wherefor was Mrs. Cannings very grateful.
Then back home, with the intention of going off to sleep - I really must try to last out the whole day - but before long Mum brought out the remains of the beef olives we had last night.
After that, was required to do some work for Mum in town, and if she does not seriously amend her organisation, I am going to quietly go screaming mad. Be that as it may, I went bolshy today, and reorganised myself as soon as I got out of the office. Took my passport stuff to the Australian High Commission, and thence to the Bank and Pejabat Besar Pos. Back again, and was required to wait to be on hand when I was needed. Got just a little worked up at this, mainly because I wanted to go down to the Dog to watch the tennis, and more especially meet Lesley.
Particularly annoyed because my services were not required at all.
Back home with Dad, and we had tea, and then watched Johnny Quest on TV for Dad's sake.
Back to the office after collecting Bev, and ran hundreds of sheets of bills of Quantities off with the black box.
Thursday, 26 August 1965 | KL. | |
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Up yet again fairly early this morning - this affair with Lesley has its dividends. Had breakfast, and then discussed with Bev the feasability [sic] of going to the Lake Club, as Dad was having his car overhauled. Rang up Lesley to see if she would be going. She was still asleep, however, but her mother said that she would be along, and so Mum sent Rahmat over to pick us up.
Then over, and bumped into Lal on the way, and then arrived at about 9.30. Watched Birger and Bertil playing tennis, and then back again. Before long, Lesley arrived, and Mrs Cannings had a camera with her, and got me to take some photos on it for her - HP3 135. Grain should be awful. Offered to develop it for her, but she had her doubts. Finally persuaded her to do so, and put it in my camera case. Into the water, and it seems that Lesley thought I had been making off with another bird on Tuesday - she was getting a bit jealous. However, she was very (emphasis) friendly today, and made sure that I would be here tomorrow. Stayed until about 1.30 before we left.
After lunch, loaded the HP3 into the spiral, and got developing it in Promicrol, and then got it washing, and along into town to get some 2¼×3¼ WSG2S, and more Promicrol, but they had neither, and so back in disgust, and dried the film.
Played some music while it was drying, and then got printing, and made quite good time on the stuff. About half-way through, ran into a lot of stuff which was overlapping, and rang up Mrs. Cannings and left them as a result, and had them finished by about 5.30, and then washed the lot and tried to glaze the stuff.
My glazing solution must have been exhausted, but in any case, they stuck to the mirror, and I had to damp them and peel them off.
After tea, and watching the Flintstones, Dad dropped me at the Cannings, and I gave them the stuff. All were pretty delighted and they insisted on paying me $1, although I pointed out that I owed them 15¢. Then Lesley dragged out her camera, and showed me many and varying photos taken therewith, and all the rest. Apologised to her for not being about to come tomorrow, and then they took me home in the car. What went on the back is nobodies business but mine and Lesley's.
Friday, 27 August 1965 | KL → Temerloh → Kuantan → Kampung Kuala Kemaman → Kuala Dungun | Images for 27 August 1965 |
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Dad attempted to wake me up very early this morning, but I did another mind over matter job, and we both went off to sleep again. Finally, however, he devised a variant on the Japanese torture which succeeded in waking me up.
After that, got cracking and packing, and all went (comparatively) smoothly, and before long we were going over to the office to straighten things up over there.
Then to the Supermarket, where, amongst other things, got some new batteries for my flash gun. Then back to the office, picked up Mum, to the Merlin, picked up the Rawlins, and out to the east. Using my powers of suggestion to the full, tried to conjure up Lesley as we came up to Ampang road, and, believe it or not, she turned up. Could do little more than wave.
Then out along Jalan Pahang, and could not really reconcile myself to not being able to see Lesley until next Wednesday, even though Birger and Bertil had invited us to a party that night, which would make up for that.
Decided before at all long that Mr. Rawlins is a very slow and not too good driver, and ended up leaving him a long way behind.
Had makan at Temerloh, and then decided to push on to Kuantan and not wait for the Rawlins. We made it there long ahead of them, and went visit Syed Abdul Rahman (late of KB), and he certainly is working in a grotty establishment - the Good Earth Mining Co.
When we came out, we discovered the Rawlins' car in front of ours, and discovered we were just around the corner from our Rendezvous, the Rumah Persinggahan yang Lama. [Old Rest House]
After a while, on again to Kemaman, where we should have had tea, but most of the people wanted to go swimming, and so we had to wait round until they had finished their swim, and then had tea and on again to Dungun, where we arrived at about 8.30, and almost immediately ordered makan.
After a while, and after makan, we decided that we might as well go and look for some turtles, as the Rawlins have never seen them before. Up to our favourite place, and there was one waiting for us there when we got there.
Sow one fellow trying to take photos without a flash on KR [Kodachrome]. Offered to lend him my flash, as he had a Pentax. He was fairly grateful.
Back, and to bed at about 1.30.
Saturday, 28 August 1965 | Dungun → Temenlah → K. Trengganu → Kota Bharu | |
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Another long and, to my mind, boring day was today. Mr. Rawlins walked in at about 8.30 to tell us thet we had missed breakfast, and that it was nearly time for lunch, and so I eventually staggered out of bed, washed, and got up.
Downstairs, where I discovered that Dad had already been up for some time changing a flat tire. All had breakfast, in which Mum blew me up for something or another, and as a result, I got a blowing up along the whole length of the journey to the plantation. I did not feel like going to this, so instead went with Dad up to an FLDA scheme nearby (think the name was Temenlah), and there took a couple of photos,
That's what I wrote, but I don't recognize the name. I have the following photos which, at the time, I titled with “FLDA Jerangau”. That seems more plausible.
and then back again to the cocoa estate, where we met the manager, and up to have a beer, which considerably livened me up, and after a while, the rest of the group came. Dad, I, and Allan promptly off with the manager to look at some sites, and I also got given a couple of cocoa pods. The fruit tastes rather nice raw, but it is rather hard to get at, and little of it is edible.
Then off to Kuala Trengganu, and we had lunch there, or at least ordered some sandwiches, and ate them en route, which is not, I feel, the most wonderful way to have makan - indeed, I don't think that it has at all many advantages to offer.
On, ever on, and the fact that there are now no ferries left certainly helped us blaze on, and before we knew where we were, we had had a blowout - two in the same day, and on the same wheel even.
Changed that, and before much more time had elapsed, we were on further again. At Jerteh, got another tire, put on the spare wheel, as the old one is absolutely useless, and then on to KB.
About 10 miles from KB, Mum stopped us, to see a fellow with a kite, and it looks as if we will be going there again. A certain Haji Daud was the fellow she was speaking to.
Then on, and finally - it seemed almost impossible - we arrived at the Irama. Had a shower, got changed, and went down to have a drink or two before a makan of nasi goreng. After that, wrote a letter to Lesley, and then tried to get an early night.
Sunday, 29 August 1965 | KB → Pulau Perhentian Besar → KB. | |
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Woken up at some unearthly hour today by Dad, saying that it was about time we got up, usw, usw. Got up, dressed, and then down with Dad to the kitchens to get the food that was due to be ready for us. The cook had not yet arrived, and so we got out the stuff and started to do it ourselves.
He walked in in the middle of all this, and then we ordered breakfast, and went in to have it.
Bow Chong and Pat came up then, and after about an hour, all was ready, and so we set off for Besut in 3 cars, and arrived there at about 8.30. The boat (a grotty looking job) was waiting, and so in, and we got moving.
Sat up forward with Allan, who had Mum's Olympus Pen EES. He seems to be even more trigger-happy than me. Boy - did that CT18 go.
Got there, and discovered that we were not alone. This place is much more popular than it was 8 years ago. Almost immediately, changed behind a convenient looking rock, and in the water to look at the coral and fish, and wish I had an underwater housing for my Pentax. Before too long Dad and Bow Cheong (I always thought that architecture was their forte) started preparing some makan for us, and did very well thereat.
Yes, I spelt “Cheong” differently on the same page.
Then had this same makan, and filled ourselves absolutely full, and then, disregarding all instructions we have ever received about cramp, went almost immediately back into the sea, and looking at the millions of little fish - some ikan bilis, and other rather larger ones. It all reminds me of swimming about in a load of sperm.
Got a bit of suntan as well, which I felt I had better bring back to KL as a souvenir.
Boat was late to pick us up, and for a horrible moment, we thought we would have to reënact the Robinson Crusoe drill, and we were just persuading ourselves that it would be fun when the boat came.
I do not know how one can fall asleep with one's head against the mast of a fishing boat, but dreams of Lesley could have helped. Such, at any rate, was the position.
50 sticks of sateh aided me to bed.
Monday, 30 August 1965 | KB. | |
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Woke up at about 8.45 this morning, and lay in bed for about ¾ of an hour daydreaming pleasant daydreams, and finally got up, and went up to Mum & Dad's room, and it appeared that there was nobody there. Went down, and found Dad's car gone, so assumed that he was already gone down to Ayer Lanas, and went back in, where I found Mum and the Rawlins having breakfast. Joined them, and before long we decided on a programme of action for the morning. Mum and Mrs. Rawlins went off and after we had got the rest of the kids up, we followed, and to Jalan Sultana Zainab to look for Mohd. Salleh's silverware shop, but ended up in the wrong place, which fact we did not find out until after we had left. Went to the Rendezvous with Mum, but she was not there, so got a fill of petrol, and went to Mohd. Salleh's again.
Then back to the dress shop where we should have met Mum, and waited there for about half an hour. After that, took Bev & Wendy back to the hotel, and off to the Pasar, where I bought about 4 ozs of tobacco for 30¢, and also a lot of batek, including a sarong for Lesley.
After that, back to the hotel, and had a few drinks before we started thinking about makan, and in the end went over to the Union Club for makan, and waited a yet longer time. Dropped Bev off at the hotel (Wendy was unwell) and then along to the Batek factory in Jalan Ferguson. They were more or less closed down for the day - they were no longer doing any printing with wax, but we got quite a few good photos of they dyeing process. Also bought a sarong and had it dyed - it is all rather amusing.
After that, had a look at the Jambatan Yahya Petra (longest bridge in South-East Asia, so I am told, by not very reliable authority - i.e. Mum),
Indeed, there seems little reason to believe that this bridge was ever in the running for “longest”. It's only about 918 m long, much of it barely above ground.
and then down to see some Kain Songket being made.
Then to the Pantai Chinta Berahi and Pantai Sabak, and then back again to the hotel.
Then over and got the Ektachrome from Bow Choeng, and back to the hotel.
Decided to go to the Union Club for makan, and stopped in again at Bow Cheong's on the way.
Very late to bed - played snooker with Mr Rawlins at the club.
Tuesday, 31 August 1965 | KB → Kg. K. Kemaman → Temerloh → K.L. | Images for 31 August 1965 |
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Boy in at 7.00 am today, which rather dashed my hopes of being out by this time. However, set all forward by 15 minutes, and just made it out of the room on time.
Downstairs, and there was all the usual susah going on, and I began to get just a little worked up. The fact that Wendy was still unwell, and had now developed dihorrea [sic], did not help. In the end it was decided that Allan would travel with us.
Stopped at Jerteh for a fill of petrol, and then on again, without all too much delay. We got down to counting bridges, and up to K. Trengganu we counted 120 odd of them in 100 miles - very high average. Were going to have tea at the rest house, but decided to push on to the Motel Kemaman instead, and did so. More monotony, and I relieved it by deciding to drive. Mum went quietly up the wall with fear and I noticed her handing round cigarettes in the back seat to Bev and Allan, as well as having one herself.
Gave Dad a pipe full of the tobacco I bought at the KB Pasar yesterday, and it was pretty grotty. Gave it up as a bad job, and started considering whether I should give it to Pad or Boris - it would have to either please them or kill them.
Pad (Mr Padfield) and Boris (Wilson) were my Physics and English teachers respectively.
Makan at Kemaman, and we stayed there far longer than I would have liked them to, but naturally could do little about it.
Off again at about 4.00 pm, and next destination Kuantan, where we got more petrol, popcorn, and Kwa Chis, and I was shoved in the back seat.
Woke up to discover that I had induced a flat in the wheel nearest me - it seems to have had a monoply [sic] of flats this trip. This is the 3rd.
At the time I didn't drive—the day's attempt was probably the first time I had driven a car on the open road. But when I started driving, I discovered that my father tended to think that a tyre was finished when the tread brace separated from the tyre. Maybe this was the reason for the surprising number of flat tyres. It wasn't due to the roads: Malaysian trunk roads have always had very good surfaces.
Very late arriving at Temerloh, and had makan there instead of the intended tea, and did not get away until 8.30.
Last part of the journey was pretty bleak, though we all stayed away. Allan disclosed to us that they spelt their surname Rollins - Canadian accent for you!
Letter from Simon Atkinson in Florence.
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